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JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.


I believe it's a great choice for your first programming language ever.


We mainly use JavaScript to create


  • websites

  • web applications

  • server-side applications using Node.js


but JavaScript is not limited to these things, and it can also be used to


  • create mobile applications using tools like React Native

    使用React Native等工具创建移动应用程序
  • create programs for microcontrollers and the internet of things

  • create smartwatch applications


It can basically do anything. It's so popular that everything new that shows up is going to have some kind of JavaScript integration at some point.

它基本上可以做任何事情。 它是如此流行,以至于出现的所有新事物都将在某种程度上进行某种JavaScript集成。

JavaScript is a programming language that is:


  • high level: it provides abstractions that allow you to ignore the details of the machine where it's running on. It manages memory automatically with a garbage collector, so you can focus on the code instead of managing memory like other languages like C would need, and provides many constructs which allow you to deal with highly powerful variables and objects.

    高级别 :它提供抽象,使您可以忽略正在运行的计算机的详细信息。 它使用垃圾回收器自动管理内存,因此您可以专注于代码,而不必像C之类的其他语言那样管理内存,并提供许多构造,使您可以处理功能强大的变量和对象。

  • dynamic: opposed to static programming languages, a dynamic language executes at runtime many of the things that a static language does at compile time. This has pros and cons, and it gives us powerful features like dynamic typing, late binding, reflection, functional programming, object runtime alteration, closures and much more. Don't worry if those things are unknown to you - you'll know all of them by the end of the course.

    动态的 :与静态编程语言相反,动态语言在运行时执行静态语言在编译时执行的许多操作。 这具有优缺点,并且为我们提供了强大的功能,例如动态类型输入,后期绑定,反射,函数式编程,对象运行时更改,闭包等等。 如果您不知道这些事情,请不要担心-在课程结束时,您将了解所有这些内容。

  • dynamically typed: a variable does not enforce a type. You can reassign any type to a variable, for example, assigning an integer to a variable that holds a string.

    动态类型的 :变量不强制类型。 您可以将任何类型重新分配给变量,例如,将整数分配给包含字符串的变量。

  • loosely typed: as opposed to strong typing, loosely (or weakly) typed languages do not enforce the type of an object, allowing more flexibility but denying us type safety and type checking (something that TypeScript - which builds on top of JavaScript - provides)

    松散类型 :与强类型相反,松散(或弱类)语言不会强制执行对象的类型,从而提供了更大的灵活性,但拒绝了我们进行类型安全性和类型检查(基于JavaScript的TypeScript提供的功能)

  • interpreted: it's commonly known as an interpreted language, which means that it does not need a compilation stage before a program can run, as opposed to C, Java or Go for example. In practice, browsers do compile JavaScript before executing it, for performance reasons, but this is transparent to you - there is no additional step involved.

    解释型 :它通常称为解释型语言,这意味着它可以在程序可以运行之前不需要编译阶段,例如,与C,Java或Go相对。 实际上,出于性能原因,浏览器会在执行JavaScript之前先对其进行编译,但这对您来说是透明的-无需执行其他任何步骤。

  • multi-paradigm: the language does not enforce any particular programming paradigm, unlike Java for example, which forces the use of object-oriented programming, or C that forces imperative programming. You can write JavaScript using an object-oriented paradigm, using prototypes and the new (as of ES6) classes syntax. You can write JavaScript in a functional programming style, with its first-class functions, or even in an imperative style (C-like).

    多范式语言不强制执行任何特定的编程范式,例如不同于Java,Java强制使用面向对象的编程,而C则强制执行命令式编程。 您可以使用面向对象的范例,原型和新的(从ES6开始)类语法来编写JavaScript。 您可以使用功能性编程风格,一流的功能甚至是命令式风格(类似于C)来编写JavaScript。

In case you're wondering, JavaScript has nothing to do with Java, it's a poor name choice but we have to live with it.

如果您想知道, JavaScript与Java无关 ,这是一个糟糕的选择,但我们必须忍受它。

手册摘要 (Summary of the handbook)

Update: .

更新: 。

一点历史 (A little bit of history)

Created in 1995, JavaScript has gone a very long way since its humble beginnings.


It was the first scripting language that was supported natively by web browsers, and thanks to this it gained a competitive advantage over any other language and today it's still the only scripting language that we can use to build Web Applications.


Other languages exist, but all must compile to JavaScript - or more recently to WebAssembly, but this is another story.


In the begining, JavaScript was not nearly powerful as it is today, and it was mainly used for fancy animations and the marvel known at the time as Dynamic HTML.

刚开始时,JavaScript并不像今天那样强大,它主要用于精美的动画和当时称为Dynamic HTML的奇迹。

With the growing needs that the web platform demanded (and continues to demand), JavaScript had the responsibility to grow as well, to accommodate the needs of one of the most widely used ecosystems of the world.

随着Web平台不断增长的需求(并继续满足),JavaScript 有责任不断增长,以适应世界上使用最广泛的生态系统之一的需求。

JavaScript is also now widely used outside of the browser. The rise of Node.js in the last few years unlocked backend development, once the domain of Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, and more traditional server-side languages.

现在,JavaScript在浏览器之外也被广泛使用。 过去几年,Node.js的兴起解锁了后端开发,而后端开发曾经是Java,Ruby,Python,PHP和更传统的服务器端语言的领域。

JavaScript is now also the language powering databases and many more applications, and it's even possible to develop embedded applications, mobile apps, TV apps, and much more. What started as a tiny language inside the browser is now the most popular language in the world.

现在,JavaScript也是语言为数据库和更多应用程序提供了动力,甚至有可能开发嵌入式应用程序,移动应用程序,电视应用程序等。 从浏览器内部的一种很小的语言开始,到现在是世界上最受欢迎的语言。

只是JavaScript (Just JavaScript)

Sometimes it's hard to separate JavaScript from the features of the environment it is used in.


For example, the console.log() line you can find in many code examples is not JavaScript. Instead, it's part of the vast library of APIs provided to us in the browser.

例如,您可以在许多代码示例中找到的console.log()行不是JavaScript。 相反,它是浏览器中提供给我们的庞大API库的一部分。

In the same way, on the server it can be sometimes hard to separate the JavaScript language features from the APIs provided by Node.js.


Is a particular feature provided by React or Vue? Or is it "plain JavaScript", or "vanilla JavaScript" as it's often called?

React或Vue是否提供特定功能? 还是通常所说的“普通JavaScript”或“普通JavaScript”?

In this book I talk about JavaScript, the language.


Without complicating your learning process with things that are outside of it, and provided by external ecosystems.


JavaScript语法简介 (A brief intro to the syntax of JavaScript)

In this little introduction I want to tell you about 5 concepts:


  • white space

  • case sensitivity

  • literals

  • identifiers

  • comments


空格 (White space)

JavaScript does not consider white space meaningful. Spaces and line breaks can be added in any fashion you might like, at least in theory.

JavaScript认为空白没有意义。 至少从理论上讲 ,可以以任何您喜欢的方式添加空格和换行符。

In practice, you will most likely keep a well defined style and adhere to what people commonly use, and enforce this using a linter or a style tool such as Prettier.


For example, I always use 2 space characters for each indentation.


区分大小写 (Case sensitive)

JavaScript is case sensitive. A variable named something is different than Something.

JavaScript区分大小写。 名为something的变量不同于Something

The same goes for any identifier.


文字 (Literals)

We define literal as a value that is written in the source code, for example, a number, a string, a boolean or also more advanced constructs, like Object Literals or Array Literals:


5'Test'true['a', 'b']{color: 'red', shape: 'Rectangle'}

身份标识 (Identifiers)

An identifier is a sequence of characters that can be used to identify a variable, a function, or an object. It can start with a letter, the dollar sign $ or an underscore _, and it can contain digits. Using Unicode, a letter can be any allowed character, for example, an emoji 😄.

标识符是可以用来标识变量,函数或对象的字符序列。 它可以以字母,美元符号$或下划线_开头,并且可以包含数字。 使用Unicode,字母可以是任何允许的字符,例如emoji😄。


The dollar sign is commonly used to reference DOM elements.


Some names are reserved for JavaScript internal use, and we can't use them as identifiers.


注释 (Comments)

Comments are one of the most important parts of any program, in any programming language. They are important because they let us annotate the code and add important information that otherwise would not be available to other people (or ourselves) reading the code.

注释是任何程序设计语言中任何程序最重要的部分之一。 它们之所以重要,是因为它们使我们能够注释代码并添加重要的信息,否则其他人(或我们自己)将无法阅读该代码。

In JavaScript, we can write a comment on a single line using //. Everything after // is not considered as code by the JavaScript interpreter.

在JavaScript中,我们可以使用//在一行上写注释。 JavaScript解释器不会将//之后的所有内容都视为代码。

Like this:


// a commenttrue //another comment

Another type of comment is a multi-line comment. It starts with /* and ends with */.

另一种注释类型是多行注释。 它以/*开头,以*/结束。

Everything in between is not considered as code:


/* some kindof comment */

分号 (Semicolons)

Every line in a JavaScript program is optionally terminated using semicolons.


I said optionally, because the JavaScript interpreter is smart enough to introduce semicolons for you.


In most cases, you can omit semicolons altogether from your programs without even thinking about it.


This fact is very controversial. Some developers will always use semicolons, some others will never use semicolons, and you'll always find code that uses semicolons and code that does not.

这个事实是很有争议的。 一些开发人员将始终使用分号,而另一些开发人员将永远不使用分号,并且您将始终找到使用分号的代码和不使用分号的代码。

My personal preference is to avoid semicolons, so my examples in the book will not include them.


价值观 (Values)

A hello string is a value. A number like 12 is a value.

hello字符串是一个 。 像12这样的数字是一个

hello and 12 are values. string and number are the types of those values.

hello12是值。 stringnumber是这些值的类型

The type is the kind of value, its category. We have many different types in JavaScript, and we'll talk about them in detail later on. Each type has its own characteristics.

类型是价值的种类,是其类别。 我们在JavaScript中有许多不同的类型,我们将在后面详细讨论它们。 每种类型都有其自身的特征。

When we need to have a reference to a value, we assign it to a variable. The variable can have a name, and the value is what's stored in a variable, so we can later access that value through the variable name.

当需要引用值时,可以将其分配给变量 。 变量可以有一个名称,而值是存储在变量中的值,因此我们以后可以通过变量名访问该值。

变数 (Variables)

A variable is a value assigned to an identifier, so you can reference and use it later in the program.


This is because JavaScript is loosely typed, a concept you'll frequently hear about.

这是因为JavaScript是松散类型的 ,您会经常听到这个概念。

A variable must be declared before you can use it.


We have 2 main ways to declare variables. The first is to use const:

我们有两种声明变量的主要方法。 首先是使用const

const a = 0

The second way is to use let:


let a = 0

What's the difference?


const defines a constant reference to a value. This means the reference cannot be changed. You cannot reassign a new value to it.

const定义对值的常量引用。 这意味着参考不能更改。 您不能为它重新分配新值。

Using let you can assign a new value to it.


For example, you cannot do this:


const a = 0a = 1

Because you'll get an error: TypeError: Assignment to constant variable..

因为会出现错误: TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

On the other hand, you can do it using let:


let a = 0a = 1

const does not mean "constant" in the way some other languages like C mean. In particular, it does not mean the value cannot change - it means it cannot be reassigned. If the variable points to an object or an array (we'll see more about objects and arrays later) the content of the object or the array can freely change.

const不像其他语言(如C)那样表示“常数”。 特别是,这并不意味着值不能更改-意味着不能重新分配。 如果变量指向一个对象或数组(我们将在以后看到更多有关对象和数组的信息),则该对象或数组的内容可以自由更改。

const variables must be initialized at the declaration time:


const a = 0

but let values can be initialized later:


let aa = 0

You can declare multiple variables at once in the same statement:


const a = 1, b = 2let c = 1, d = 2

But you cannot redeclare the same variable more than one time:


let a = 1let a = 2

or you'd get a "duplicate declaration" error.


My advice is to always use const and only use let when you know you'll need to reassign a value to that variable. Why? Because the less power our code has, the better. If we know a value cannot be reassigned, it's one less source for bugs.

我的建议是始终使用const并且仅在知道需要将值重新分配给该变量时才使用let 。 为什么? 因为我们的代码功能越少越好。 如果我们知道不能重新分配一个值,那么它的错误源就会少一些。

Now that we saw how to work with const and let, I want to mention var.

现在我们已经了解了如何使用constlet ,我想提到var

Until 2015, var was the only way we could declare a variable in JavaScript. Today, a modern codebase will most likely just use const and let. There are some fundamental differences which I detail but if you're just starting out, you might not care about them. Just use const and let.

直到2015年, var才是我们可以在JavaScript中声明变量的唯一方法。 今天,现代代码库很可能只使用constlet 。 我详细介绍一些基本差异,但是如果您只是刚入门,则可能不关心它们。 只需使用constlet

种类 (Types)

Variables in JavaScript do not have any type attached.


They are untyped.


Once you assign a value with some type to a variable, you can later reassign the variable to host a value of any other type without any issues.


In JavaScript we have 2 main kinds of types: primitive types and object types.

在JavaScript中,我们有两种主要类型: 基本类型对象类型

原始类型 (Primitive types)

Primitive types are


  • numbers

  • strings

  • booleans

  • symbols


And two special types: null and undefined.

还有两种特殊类型: nullundefined

对象类型 (Object types)

Any value that's not of a primitive type (a string, a number, a boolean, null or undefined) is an object.


Object types have properties and also have methods that can act on those properties.

对象类型有属性 ,也具有可对这些属性执行的方法

We'll talk more about objects later on.


表达方式 (Expressions)

An expression is a single unit of JavaScript code that the JavaScript engine can evaluate, and return a value.


Expressions can vary in complexity.


We start from the very simple ones, called primary expressions:


20.02'something'truefalsethis //the current scopeundefinedi //where i is a variable or a constant

Arithmetic expressions are expressions that take a variable and an operator (more on operators soon), and result in a number:


1 / 2i++i -= 2i * 2

String expressions are expressions that result in a string:


'A ' + 'string'

Logical expressions make use of logical operators and resolve to a boolean value:


a && ba || b!a

More advanced expressions involve objects, functions, and arrays, and I'll introduce them later.


经营者 (Operators)

Operators allow you to get two simple expressions and combine them to form a more complex expression.


We can classify operators based on the operands they work with. Some operators work with 1 operand. Most work with 2 operands. Just one operator works with 3 operands.

我们可以根据使用的运算符对运算符进行分类。 一些运算符使用1个操作数。 大多数使用2个操作数。 仅有一个运算符可处理3个操作数。

In this first introduction to operators, we'll introduce the operators you are most likely familiar with: operators with 2 operands.


I already introduced one when talking about variables: the assignment operator =. You use = to assign a value to a variable:

在讨论变量时,我已经介绍了一个:赋值运算符= 。 您可以使用=将值分配给变量:

let b = 2

Let's now introduce another set of binary operators that you're already familiar with from basic math.


加法运算符(+) (The addition operator (+))

const three = 1 + 2const four = three + 1

The + operator also does string concatenation if you use strings, so pay attention:


const three = 1 + 2three + 1 // 4'three' + 1 // three1

减法运算符(-) (The subtraction operator (-))

const two = 4 - 2

除法运算符(/) (The division operator (/))

Returns the quotient of the first operator and the second:


const result = 20 / 5 //result === 4const result = 20 / 7 //result === 2.857142857142857

If you divide by zero, JavaScript does not raise any error but returns the Infinity value (or -Infinity if the value is negative).

如果除以零,则JavaScript不会引发任何错误,但会返回Infinity值(如果该值为负,则返回-Infinity )。

1 / 0 //Infinity-1 / 0 //-Infinity

余数运算符(%) (The remainder operator (%))

The remainder is a very useful calculation in many use cases:


const result = 20 % 5 //result === 0const result = 20 % 7 //result === 6

A remainder by zero is always NaN, a special value that means "Not a Number":

零值始终为NaN ,这是一个特殊值,表示“不是数字”:

1 % 0 //NaN-1 % 0 //NaN

乘法运算符(*) (The multiplication operator (*))

Multiply two numbers


1 * 2 //2-1 * 2 //-2

求幂运算符(**) (The exponentiation operator (**))

Raise the first operand to the power of the second operand


1 ** 2 //12 ** 1 //22 ** 2 //42 ** 8 //2568 ** 2 //64

优先规则 (Precedence rules)

Every complex statement with multiple operators in the same line will introduce precedence problems.


Take this example:


let a = 1 * 2 + 5 / 2 % 2

The result is 2.5, but why?


What operations are executed first, and which need to wait?


Some operations have more precedence than the others. The precedence rules are listed in this table:

一些操作比其他操作具有更高的优先级。 优先级规则在此表中列出:

Operator Description
* / % multiplication/division
+ - addition/subtraction
= assignment
操作员 描述
* / % 乘法/除法
+ - 加/减
= 分配

Operations on the same level (like + and -) are executed in the order they are found, from left to right.

同一级别的操作(如+- )将按从左到右的顺序执行。

Following these rules, the operation above can be solved in this way:


let a = 1 * 2 + 5 / 2 % 2let a = 2 + 5 / 2 % 2let a = 2 + 2.5 % 2let a = 2 + 0.5let a = 2.5

比较运算符 (Comparison operators)

After assignment and math operators, the third set of operators I want to introduce is conditional operators.


You can use the following operators to compare two numbers, or two strings.


Comparison operators always return a boolean, a value that's true or false).

比较运算符始终返回布尔值,即truefalse )。

Those are disequality comparison operators:


  • < means "less than"


  • <= means "less than or equal to"


  • > means "greater than"


  • >= means "greater than or equal to"




let a = 2a >= 1 //true

In addition to those, we have 4 equality operators. They accept two values, and return a boolean:

除此之外,我们还有4个相等运算符 。 它们接受两个值,并返回一个布尔值:

  • === checks for equality


  • !== checks for inequality


Note that we also have == and != in JavaScript, but I highly suggest to only use === and !== because they can prevent some subtle problems.

注意我们在JavaScript中也有==!= ,但是我强烈建议只使用===!==因为它们可以防止一些细微的问题。

有条件的 (Conditionals)

With the comparison operators in place, we can talk about conditionals.


An if statement is used to make the program take a route, or another, depending on the result of an expression evaluation.


This is the simplest example, which always executes:


if (true) {  //do something}

on the contrary, this is never executed:


if (false) {  //do something (? never ?)}

The conditional checks the expression you pass to it for a true or false value. If you pass a number, that always evaluates to true unless it's 0. If you pass a string, it always evaluates to true unless it's an empty string. Those are general rules of casting types to a boolean.

条件检查您传递给它的表达式的真值或假值。 如果传递一个数字,除非它为0,否则始终为true。如果传递一个字符串,则除非它为一个空字符串,否则始终为true。 这些是将类型强制转换为布尔值的一般规则。

Did you notice the curly braces? That is called a block, and it is used to group a list of different statements.

你注意到花括号了吗? 这称为block ,它用于对不同语句的列表进行分组。

A block can be put wherever you can have a single statement. And if you have a single statement to execute after the conditionals, you can omit the block, and just write the statement:

只要有一条语句,就可以放置一个块。 而且,如果您在条件之后执行一条语句,则可以省略该块,而只需编写该语句:

if (true) doSomething()

But I always like to use curly braces to be more clear.


You can provide a second part to the if statement: else.

您可以为if语句提供第二部分: else

You attach a statement that is going to be executed if the if condition is false:


if (true) {  //do something} else {  //do something else}

Since else accepts a statement, you can nest another if/else statement inside it:

由于else接受一个语句,因此可以在其中嵌套另一个if / else语句:

if (a === true) {  //do something} else if (b === true) {  //do something else} else {  //fallback}

数组 (Arrays)

An array is a collection of elements.


Arrays in JavaScript are not a type on their own.


Arrays are objects.


We can initialize an empty array in these 2 different ways:


const a = []const a = Array()

The first is using the array literal syntax. The second uses the Array built-in function.

第一种是使用数组文字语法 。 第二个使用Array内置函数。

You can pre-fill the array using this syntax:


const a = [1, 2, 3]const a = Array.of(1, 2, 3)

An array can hold any value, even values of different types:


const a = [1, 'Flavio', ['a', 'b']]

Since we can add an array into an array, we can create multi-dimensional arrays, which have very useful applications (e.g. a matrix):


const matrix = [  [1, 2, 3],  [4, 5, 6],  [7, 8, 9]]matrix[0][0] //1matrix[2][0] //7

You can access any element of the array by referencing its index, which starts from zero:


a[0] //1a[1] //2a[2] //3

You can initialize a new array with a set of values using this syntax, which first initializes an array of 12 elements, and fills each element with the number 0:



You can get the number of elements in the array by checking its length property:


const a = [1, 2, 3]a.length //3

Note that you can set the length of the array. If you assign a bigger number than the arrays current capacity, nothing happens. If you assign a smaller number, the array is cut at that position:

请注意,您可以设置数组的长度。 如果分配的数字大于阵列的当前容量,则不会发生任何事情。 如果分配较小的数字,则会在该位置切割数组:

const a = [1, 2, 3]a //[ 1, 2, 3 ]a.length = 2a //[ 1, 2 ]

如何将项目添加到数组 (How to add an item to an array)

We can add an element at the end of an array using the push() method:



We can add an element at the beginning of an array using the unshift() method:


a.unshift(0)a.unshift(-2, -1)

如何从数组中删除项目 (How to remove an item from an array)

We can remove an item from the end of an array using the pop() method:



We can remove an item from the beginning of an array using the shift() method:



如何加入两个或多个数组 (How to join two or more arrays)

You can join multiple arrays by using concat():


const a = [1, 2]const b = [3, 4]const c = a.concat(b) //[1,2,3,4]a //[1,2]b //[3,4]

You can also use the spread operator (...) in this way:

您还可以通过以下方式使用扩展运算符( ... ):

const a = [1, 2]const b = [3, 4]const c = [...a, ...b]c //[1,2,3,4]

如何在数组中查找特定项目 (How to find a specific item in the array)

You can use the find() method of an array:


a.find((element, index, array) => {  //return true or false})

Returns the first item that returns true, and returns undefined if the element is not found.


A commonly used syntax is:


a.find(x => x.id === my_id)

The above line will return the first element in the array that has id === my_id.

上一行将返回数组中具有id === my_id的第一个元素。

findIndex() works similarly to find(), but returns the index of the first item that returns true, and if not found, it returns undefined:


a.findIndex((element, index, array) => {  //return true or false})

Another method is includes():



Returns true if a contains value.


a.includes(value, i)

Returns true if a contains value after the position i.

如果a在位置i之后包含value ,则返回true。

弦乐 (Strings)

A string is a sequence of characters.


It can be also defined as a string literal, which is enclosed in quotes or double quotes:


'A string'"Another string"

I personally prefer single quotes all the time, and use double quotes only in HTML to define attributes.


You assign a string value to a variable like this:


const name = 'Flavio'

You can determine the length of a string using the length property of it:


'Flavio'.length //6const name = 'Flavio'name.length //6

This is an empty string: ''. Its length property is 0:

这是一个空字符串: '' 。 其length属性为0:

''.length //0

Two strings can be joined using the + operator:


"A " + "string"

You can use the + operator to interpolate variables:


const name = 'Flavio'"My name is " + name //My name is Flavio

Another way to define strings is to use template literals, defined inside backticks. They are especially useful to make multiline strings much simpler. With single or double quotes you can't define a multiline string easily - you'd need to use escaping characters.

定义字符串的另一种方法是使用在反引号内定义的模板文字。 它们对于使多行字符串更简单特别有用。 使用单引号或双引号不能轻易定义多行字符串-您需要使用转义字符。

Once a template literal is opened with the backtick, you just press enter to create a new line, with no special characters, and it's rendered as-is:


const string = `Heythisstringis awesome!`

Template literals are also great because they provide an easy way to interpolate variables and expressions into strings.


You do so by using the ${...} syntax:


const var = 'test'const string = `something ${var}` //something test

inside the ${} you can add anything, even expressions:


const string = `something ${1 + 2 + 3}`const string2 = `something   ${foo() ? 'x' : 'y'}`

循环 (Loops)

Loops are one of the main control structures of JavaScript.


With a loop we can automate and repeat a block of code however many times we want it to run, even indefinitely.


JavaScript provides many way to iterate through loops.


I want to focus on 3 ways:


  • while loops

  • for loops

  • for..of loops


while (while)

The while loop is the simplest looping structure that JavaScript provides us.


We add a condition after the while keyword, and we provide a block that is run until the condition evaluates to true.




const list = ['a', 'b', 'c']let i = 0while (i < list.length) {  console.log(list[i]) //value  console.log(i) //index  i = i + 1}

You can interrupt a while loop using the break keyword, like this:


while (true) {  if (somethingIsTrue) break}

and if you decide that in the middle of a loop you want to skip the current iteration, you can jump to the next iteration using continue:


while (true) {  if (somethingIsTrue) continue  //do something else}

Very similar to while, we have do..while loops. It's basically the same as while, except the condition is evaluated after the code block is executed.

while非常相似,我们有do..while循环。 它与while基本上相同,除了条件是代码块执行之后评估条件。

This means the block is always executed at least once.




const list = ['a', 'b', 'c']let i = 0do {  console.log(list[i]) //value  console.log(i) //index  i = i + 1} while (i < list.length)

for (for)

The second very important looping structure in JavaScript is the for loop.


We use the for keyword and we pass a set of 3 instructions: the initialization, the condition, and the increment part.




const list = ['a', 'b', 'c']for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {  console.log(list[i]) //value  console.log(i) //index}

Just like with while loops, you can interrupt a for loop using break and you can fast forward to the next iteration of a for loop using continue.


for...of (for...of)

This loop is relatively recent (introduced in 2015) and it's a simplified version of the for loop:


const list = ['a', 'b', 'c']for (const value of list) {  console.log(value) //value}

功能 (Functions)

In any moderately complex JavaScript program, everything happens inside functions.


Functions are a core, essential part of JavaScript.


What is a function?


A function is a block of code, self contained.


Here's a function declaration:


function getData() {  // do something}

A function can be run any time you want by invoking it, like this:



A function can have one or more argument:


function getData() {  //do something}function getData(color) {  //do something}function getData(color, age) {  //do something}

When we can pass an argument, we invoke the function passing parameters:


function getData(color, age) {  //do something}getData('green', 24)getData('black')

Note that in the second invokation I passed the black string parameter as the color argument, but no age. In this case, age inside the function is undefined.

请注意,在第二次调用中,我传递了black字符串参数作为color参数,但没有age 。 在这种情况下,函数内部的ageundefined

We can check if a value is not undefined using this conditional:


function getData(color, age) {  //do something  if (typeof age !== 'undefined') {    //...  }}

typeof is a unary operator that allows us to check the type of a variable.


You can also check in this way:


function getData(color, age) {  //do something  if (age) {    //...  }}

Although the conditional will also be true if age is null, 0 or an empty string.


You can have default values for parameters, in case they are not passed:


function getData(color = 'black', age = 25) {  //do something}

You can pass any value as a parameter: numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, objects, and also functions.


A function has a return value. By default a function returns undefined, unless you add a return keyword with a value:

函数具有返回值。 默认情况下,函数返回undefined ,除非您添加带有值的return关键字:

function getData() {  // do something  return 'hi!'}

We can assign this return value to a variable when we invoke the function:


function getData() {  // do something  return 'hi!'}let result = getData()

result now holds a string with the the hi! value.

result现在包含一个带有hi!的字符串hi! 值。

You can only return one value.


To return multiple values, you can return an object, or an array, like this:


function getData() {  return ['Flavio', 37]}let [name, age] = getData()

Functions can be defined inside other functions:


const getData = () => {  const dosomething = () => {}  dosomething()  return 'test'}

The nested function cannot be called from the outside of the enclosing function.


You can return a function from a function, too.


箭头功能 (Arrow functions)

Arrow functions are a recent introduction to JavaScript.


They are very often used instead of "regular" functions, the ones I described in the previous chapter. You'll find both forms used everywhere.

我经常在上一章中介绍过这些函数,而不是“常规”函数。 您会发现两种形式都在各处使用。

Visually, they allows you to write functions with a shorter syntax, from:


function getData() {  //...}


() => {  //...}

But.. notice that we don't have a name here.


Arrow functions are anonymous. We must assign them to a variable.

箭头函数是匿名的。 我们必须将它们分配给变量。

We can assign a regular function to a variable, like this:


let getData = function getData() {  //...}

When we do so, we can remove the name from the function:


let getData = function() {  //...}

and invoke the function using the variable name:


let getData = function() {  //...}getData()

That's the same thing we do with arrow functions:


let getData = () => {  //...}getData()

If the function body contains just a single statement, you can omit the parentheses and write everything on a single line:


const getData = () => console.log('hi!')

Parameters are passed in the parentheses:


const getData = (param1, param2) =>   console.log(param1, param2)

If you have one (and just one) parameter, you could omit the parentheses completely:


const getData = param => console.log(param)

Arrow functions allow you to have an implicit return - values are returned without having to use the return keyword.


It works when there is a one-line statement in the function body:


const getData = () => 'test'getData() //'test'

Like with regular functions, we can have default values for parameters in case they are not passed:


const getData = (color = 'black',                  age = 2) => {  //do something}

And like regular functions, we can only return one value.


Arrow functions can also contain other arrow functions, or even regular functions.


The two types of functions are very similar, so you might ask why arrow functions were introduced. The big difference with regular functions is when they are used as object methods. This is something we'll soon look into.

两种功能非常相似,因此您可能会问为什么引入了箭头功能。 常规函数的最大区别是将它们用作对象方法时。 这是我们很快将要研究的问题。

对象 (Objects)

Any value that's not of a primitive type (a string, a number, a boolean, a symbol, null, or undefined) is an object.


Here's how we define an object:


const car = {}

This is the object literal syntax, which is one of the nicest things in JavaScript.


You can also use the new Object syntax:

您还可以使用new Object语法:

const car = new Object()

Another syntax is to use Object.create():


const car = Object.create()

You can also initialize an object using the new keyword before a function with a capital letter. This function serves as a constructor for that object. In there, we can initialize the arguments we receive as parameters, to setup the initial state of the object:

您还可以在带有大写字母的函数之前使用new关键字初始化对象。 该函数用作该对象的构造函数。 在这里,我们可以将接收到的参数初始化为参数,以设置对象的初始状态:

function Car(brand, model) {  this.brand = brand  this.model = model}

We initialize a new object using:


const myCar = new Car('Ford', 'Fiesta')myCar.brand //'Ford'myCar.model //'Fiesta'

Objects are always passed by reference.


If you assign a variable the same value of another, if it's a primitive type like a number or a string, they are passed by value:


Take this example:


let age = 36let myAge = agemyAge = 37age //36
const car = {  color: 'blue'}const anotherCar = caranotherCar.color = 'yellow'car.color //'yellow'

Even arrays or functions are, under the hood, objects, so it's very important to understand how they work.


对象属性 (Object Properties)

Objects have properties, which are composed by a label associated with a value.

对象具有属性 ,由与值关联的标签组成。

The value of a property can be of any type, which means that it can be an array, a function, and it can even be an object, as objects can nest other objects.


This is the object literal syntax we saw in the previous chapter:


const car = {}

We can define a color property in this way:


const car = {  color: 'blue'}

Here we have a car object with a property named color, with value blue.

在这里,我们有一个car对象,其属性名为color ,值为blue

Labels can be any string, but beware of special characters - if I wanted to include a character not valid as a variable name in the property name, I would have had to use quotes around it:


const car = {  color: 'blue',  'the color': 'blue'}

Invalid variable name characters include spaces, hyphens, and other special characters.


As you can see, when we have multiple properties, we separate each property with a comma.


We can retrieve the value of a property using 2 different syntaxes.


The first is dot notation:


car.color //'blue'

The second (which is the only one we can use for properties with invalid names), is to use square brackets:


car['the color'] //'blue'

If you access a nonexistant property, you'll get the undefined value:


car.brand //undefined

As mentioned before, objects can have nested objects as properties:


const car = {  brand: {    name: 'Ford'  },  color: 'blue'}

In this example, you can access the brand name using






You can set the value of a property when you define the object.


But you can always update it later on:


const car = {  color: 'blue'}car.color = 'yellow'car['color'] = 'red'

And you can also add new properties to an object:


car.model = 'Fiesta'car.model //'Fiesta'

Given the object


const car = {  color: 'blue',  brand: 'Ford'}

you can delete a property from this object using


delete car.brand

对象方法 (Object Methods)

I talked about functions in a previous chapter.


Functions can be assigned to a function property, and in this case they are called methods.


In this example, the start property has a function assigned, and we can invoke it by using the dot syntax we used for properties, with the parentheses at the end:


const car = {  brand: 'Ford',  model: 'Fiesta',  start: function() {    console.log('Started')  }}car.start()

Inside a method defined using a function() {} syntax we have access to the object instance by referencing this.

在使用function() {}语法定义的方法内部,我们可以通过引用this来访问对象实例。

In the following example, we have access to the brand and model properties values using this.brand and this.model:


const car = {  brand: 'Ford',  model: 'Fiesta',  start: function() {    console.log(`Started       ${this.brand} ${this.model}`)  }}car.start()

It's important to note this distinction between regular functions and arrow functions - we don't have access to this if we use an arrow function:


const car = {  brand: 'Ford',  model: 'Fiesta',  start: () => {    console.log(`Started       ${this.brand} ${this.model}`) //not going to work  }}car.start()

This is because arrow functions are not bound to the object.


This is the reason why regular functions are often used as object methods.


Methods can accept parameters, like regular functions:


const car = {  brand: 'Ford',  model: 'Fiesta',  goTo: function(destination) {    console.log(`Going to ${destination}`)  }}car.goTo('Rome')

班级 (Classes)

We talked about objects, which are one of the most interesting parts of JavaScript.


In this chapter we'll go up one level by introducing classes.


What are classes? They are a way to define a common pattern for multiple objects.

什么是课程? 它们是为多个对象定义通用模式的一种方式。

Let's take a person object:


const person = {  name: 'Flavio'}

We can create a class named Person (note the capital P, a convention when using classes), that has a name property:

我们可以创建一个名为Person的类(使用类时请注意大写P ,这是一个约定),该类具有name属性:

class Person {  name}

Now from this class, we initialize a flavio object like this:


const flavio = new Person()

flavio is called an instance of the Person class.


We can set the value of the name property:


flavio.name = 'Flavio'

and we can access it using



like we do for object properties.


Classes can hold properties, like name, and methods.


Methods are defined in this way:


class Person {  hello() {    return 'Hello, I am Flavio'  }}

and we can invoke methods on an instance of the class:


class Person {  hello() {    return 'Hello, I am Flavio'  }}const flavio = new Person()flavio.hello()

There is a special method called constructor() that we can use to initialize the class properties when we create a new object instance.


It works like this:


class Person {  constructor(name) {    this.name = name  }  hello() {    return 'Hello, I am ' + this.name + '.'  }}

Note how we use this to access the object instance.


Now we can instantiate a new object from the class, pass in a string, and when we call hello we'll get a personalized message:

现在,我们可以从类中实例化一个新对象,传递一个字符串,当我们调用hello ,将收到一条个性化消息:

const flavio = new Person('flavio')flavio.hello() //'Hello, I am flavio.'

When the object is initialized, the constructor method is called with any parameters passed.


Normally methods are defined on the object instance, not on the class.


You can define a method as static to allow it to be executed on the class instead:


class Person {  static genericHello() {    return 'Hello'  }}Person.genericHello() //Hello

This is very useful, at times.


遗产 (Inheritance)

A class can extend another class, and objects initialized using that class inherit all the methods of both classes.


Suppose we have a class Person:


class Person {  hello() {    return 'Hello, I am a Person'  }}

We can define a new class, Programmer, that extends Person:

我们可以定义一个新类Programmer ,它扩展了Person

class Programmer extends Person {}

Now if we instantiate a new object with the class Programmer, it has access to the hello() method:


const flavio = new Programmer()flavio.hello() //'Hello, I am a Person'

Inside a child class, you can reference the parent class by calling super():


class Programmer extends Person {  hello() {    return super.hello() +       '. I am also a programmer.'  }}const flavio = new Programmer()flavio.hello()

The above program prints Hello, I am a Person. I am also a programmer..

上面的程序打印“ 你好,我是一个人”。 我也是一名程序员。

异步编程和回调 (Asynchonous Programming and Callbacks)

Most of the time, JavaScript code is run synchronously.


This means that a line of code is executed, then the next one is executed, and so on.


Everything is as you expect, and how it works in most programming languages.


However, there are times when you cannot just wait for a line of code to execute.


You can't just wait 2 seconds for a big file to load, and halt the program completely.


You can't just wait for a network resource to be downloaded before doing something else.


JavaScript solves this problem by using callbacks.


One of the simplest examples of how to use callbacks is with timers. Timers are not part of JavaScript, but they are provided by the browser and Node.js. Let me talk about one of the timers we have: setTimeout().

有关如何使用回调的最简单示例之一是使用计时器。 计时器不是JavaScript的一部分,但由浏览器和Node.js提供。 让我说说我们拥有的计时器之一: setTimeout()

The setTimeout() function accepts 2 arguments: a function, and a number. The number is the milliseconds that must pass before the function is ran.

setTimeout()函数接受2个参数:函数和数字。 该数字是函数运行前必须经过的毫秒数。



setTimeout(() => {  // runs after 2 seconds  console.log('inside the function')}, 2000)

The function containing the console.log('inside the function') line will be executed after 2 seconds.

包含console.log('inside the function')console.log('inside the function')将在2秒钟后执行。

If you add a console.log('before') prior to the function, and console.log('after') after it:

如果在函数console.log('before')添加console.log('before') ,并在函数console.log('after')

console.log('before')setTimeout(() => {  // runs after 2 seconds  console.log('inside the function')}, 2000)console.log('after')

You will see this happening in your console:


beforeafterinside the function

The callback function is executed asynchronously.


This is a very common pattern when working with the file system, the network, events, or the DOM in the browser.


All of the things I mentioned are not "core" JavaScript, so they are not explained in this handbook, but you'll find lots of examples in my other handbooks available at .

我提到的所有内容都不是“核心” JavaScript,因此本手册中没有对它们进行说明,但是您可以在其他手册中找到很多示例。

Here's how we can implement callbacks in our code.


We define a function that accepts a callback parameter, which is a function.


When the code is ready to invoke the callback, we invoke it by passing the result:


const doSomething = callback => {  //do things  //do things  const result = /* .. */  callback(result)}

Code using this function would use it like this:


doSomething(result => {  console.log(result)})

承诺 (Promises)

Promises are an alternative way to deal with asynchronous code.


As we saw in the previous chapter, with callbacks we'd be passing a function to another function call that would be called when the function has finished processing.


Like this:


doSomething(result => {  console.log(result)})

When the doSomething() code ends, it calls the function received as a parameter:


const doSomething = callback => {  //do things  //do things  const result = /* .. */  callback(result)}

The main problem with this approach is that if we need to use the result of this function in the rest of our code, all our code must be nested inside the callback, and if we have to do 2-3 callbacks we enter in what is usually defined "callback hell" with many levels of functions indented into other functions:


doSomething(result => {  doSomethingElse(anotherResult => {    doSomethingElseAgain(yetAnotherResult => {      console.log(result)    })  }) })

Promises are one way to deal with this.


Instead of doing:


doSomething(result => {  console.log(result)})

We call a promise-based function in this way:


doSomething()  .then(result => {    console.log(result)  })

We first call the function, then we have a then() method that is called when the function ends.


The indentation does not matter, but you'll often use this style for clarity.


It's common to detect errors using a catch() method:


doSomething()  .then(result => {    console.log(result)  })  .catch(error => {    console.log(error)  })

Now, to be able to use this syntax, the doSomething() function implementation must be a little bit special. It must use the Promises API.

现在,要能够使用此语法, doSomething()函数的实现必须有点特殊。 它必须使用Promises API。

Instead of declaring it as a normal function:


const doSomething = () => {  }

We declare it as a promise object:


const doSomething = new Promise()

and we pass a function in the Promise constructor:


const doSomething = new Promise(() => {})

This function receives 2 parameters. The first is a function we call to resolve the promise, the second a function we call to reject the promise.

该函数接收2个参数。 第一个函数是我们用来解决承诺的函数,第二个函数是我们用来拒绝承诺的函数。

const doSomething = new Promise(  (resolve, reject) => {    })

Resolving a promise means to complete it successfully (which results in calling the then() method in whatever uses it).


Rejecting a promise means ending it with an error (which results in calling the catch() method in whatever uses it).


Here's how:


const doSomething = new Promise(  (resolve, reject) => {    //some code    const success = /* ... */    if (success) {      resolve('ok')    } else {      reject('this error occurred')    }  })

We can pass a parameter to the resolve and reject functions, of any type we want.


异步并等待 (Async and Await)

Async functions are a higher level abstraction of promises.


An async function returns a promise, like in this example:

An async function returns a promise, like in this example:

const getData = () => {  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    setTimeout(() =>       resolve('some data'), 2000)  })}

Any code that wants to use this function will use the await keyword right before the function:

Any code that wants to use this function will use the await keyword right before the function:

const data = await getData()

and doing so, any data returned by the promise is going to be assigned to the data variable.

and doing so, any data returned by the promise is going to be assigned to the data variable.

In our case, the data is the "some data" string.

In our case, the data is the "some data" string.

With one particular caveat: whenever we use the await keyword, we must do so inside a function defined as async.

With one particular caveat: whenever we use the await keyword, we must do so inside a function defined as async .

Like this:


const doSomething = async () => {  const data = await getData()  console.log(data)}

The async/await duo allows us to have a cleaner code and a simple mental model to work with asynchronous code.

The async/await duo allows us to have a cleaner code and a simple mental model to work with asynchronous code.

As you can see in the example above, our code looks very simple. Compare it to code using promises, or callback functions.

As you can see in the example above, our code looks very simple. Compare it to code using promises, or callback functions.

And this is a very simple example, the major benefits will arise when the code is much more complex.

And this is a very simple example, the major benefits will arise when the code is much more complex.

As an example, here's how you would get a JSON resource using the Fetch API, and parse it, using promises:

As an example, here's how you would get a JSON resource using the Fetch API, and parse it, using promises:

const getFirstUserData = () => {  // get users list  return fetch('/users.json')     // parse JSON    .then(response => response.json())     // pick first user    .then(users => users[0])     // get user data    .then(user =>       fetch(`/users/${user.name}`))     // parse JSON    .then(userResponse => response.json()) }getFirstUserData()

And here is the same functionality provided using await/async:

And here is the same functionality provided using await/async:

const getFirstUserData = async () => {  // get users list  const response = await fetch('/users.json')   // parse JSON  const users = await response.json()   // pick first user  const user = users[0]   // get user data  const userResponse =     await fetch(`/users/${user.name}`)  // parse JSON  const userData = await user.json()   return userData}getFirstUserData()

可变范围 (Variable scope)

When I introduced variables, I talked about using const, let, and var.

When I introduced variables, I talked about using const , let , and var .

Scope is the set of variables that's visible to a part of the program.

Scope is the set of variables that's visible to a part of the program.

In JavaScript we have a global scope, block scope and function scope.

In JavaScript we have a global scope, block scope and function scope.

If a variable is defined outside of a function or block, it's attached to the global object and it has a global scope, which mean it's available in every part of a program.

If a variable is defined outside of a function or block, it's attached to the global object and it has a global scope, which mean it's available in every part of a program.

There is a very important difference between var, let and const declarations.

There is a very important difference between var , let and const declarations.

A variable defined as var inside a function is only visible inside that function, similar to a function's arguments.

A variable defined as var inside a function is only visible inside that function, similar to a function's arguments.

A variable defined as const or let on the other hand is only visible inside the block where it is defined.

A variable defined as const or let on the other hand is only visible inside the block where it is defined.

A block is a set of instructions grouped into a pair of curly braces, like the ones we can find inside an if statement, a for loop, or a function.

A block is a set of instructions grouped into a pair of curly braces, like the ones we can find inside an if statement, a for loop, or a function.

It's important to understand that a block does not define a new scope for var, but it does for let and const.

It's important to understand that a block does not define a new scope for var , but it does for let and const .

This has very practical implications.

This has very practical implications.

Suppose you define a var variable inside an if conditional in a function

Suppose you define a var variable inside an if conditional in a function

function getData() {  if (true) {    var data = 'some data'    console.log(data)   }}

If you call this function, you'll get some data printed to the console.

If you call this function, you'll get some data printed to the console.

If you try to move console.log(data) after the if, it still works:

If you try to move console.log(data) after the if , it still works:

function getData() {  if (true) {    var data = 'some data'  }  console.log(data) }

But if you switch var data to let data:

But if you switch var data to let data :

function getData() {  if (true) {    let data = 'some data'  }  console.log(data) }

You'll get an error: ReferenceError: data is not defined.

You'll get an error: ReferenceError: data is not defined .

This is because var is function scoped, and there's a special thing happening here called hoisting. In short, the var declaration is moved to the top of the closest function by JavaScript before it runs the code. This is what the function looks like to JS internally, more or less:

This is because var is function scoped, and there's a special thing happening here called hoisting. In short, the var declaration is moved to the top of the closest function by JavaScript before it runs the code. This is what the function looks like to JS internally, more or less:

function getData() {  var data  if (true) {    data = 'some data'  }  console.log(data) }

This is why you can also console.log(data) at the top of a function, even before it's declared, and you'll get undefined as a value for that variable:

This is why you can also console.log(data) at the top of a function, even before it's declared, and you'll get undefined as a value for that variable:

function getData() {  console.log(data)   if (true) {    var data = 'some data'  }}

but if you switch to let, you'll get an error ReferenceError: data is not defined, because hoisting does not happen to let declarations.

but if you switch to let , you'll get an error ReferenceError: data is not defined , because hoisting does not happen to let declarations.

const follows the same rules as let: it's block scoped.

const follows the same rules as let : it's block scoped.

It can be tricky at first, but once you realize this difference, then you'll see why var is considered a bad practice nowadays compared to let - they have less moving parts, and their scope is limited to the block, which also makes them very good as loop variables because they cease to exist after a loop has ended:

It can be tricky at first, but once you realize this difference, then you'll see why var is considered a bad practice nowadays compared to let - they have less moving parts, and their scope is limited to the block, which also makes them very good as loop variables because they cease to exist after a loop has ended:

function doLoop() {  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {    console.log(i)  }  console.log(i)}doLoop()

When you exit the loop, i will be a valid variable with value 10.

When you exit the loop, i will be a valid variable with value 10.

If you switch to let, when you try to console.log(i) will result in an error ReferenceError: i is not defined.

If you switch to let , when you try to console.log(i) will result in an error ReferenceError: i is not defined .

结论 (Conclusion)

Thanks a lot for reading this book.

Thanks a lot for reading this book.

I hope it will inspire you to learn more about JavaScript.

I hope it will inspire you to learn more about JavaScript.

For more on JavaScript, check out my blog .

For more on JavaScript, check out my blog .






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